Format: Voice Performance

Collaborate with the Children of Eldair team to voice the character of Kian, an overconfident flirt with little intent to commit to anything.

Co/Create Details
Submissions Closed

Kian Voice Performance

Co/Create Details


Kian Linair is a charming and overconfident guard to the Yuillya family. Blessed with fire, he tends to be a very forward flirt with no ambition or desire to commit to anything long term. He’s also immortal and actually over 200 years old. His longevity however, doesn’t seem to have made him wise, but instead he seems to be unable to grow up in a sense of maturity. Instead, he looks for the easy way out, using his charm and outrageous charisma to wiggle into relationships that are beneficial to him.


Character Notes:

Male, 23/205 Years Old

Audition Reading:

Audition Packet Page 23

“Like you couldn’t accept the sword fighting lesson? Or the magic lessons? Come on, I’m a wealthy man with nothing to do but spend my money on pretty girls. And it is with all the chastity and virtue in my heart that I say you’re a pretty girl.”

Audition Packet Page 24

"But we don't have to live forever. We can return our spirit and power to Eldair-um, Amara-and we'll be born again some decades later. And um, yeah, I'm the Elemental of fire. That's it…

“Um… Actually I’m over two hundred…?”

Audition Packet Page 25 (Conversation with Hallren)

“You just–just shut up. You used me. You used me to kill innocent people…

“Oh, that’s your justification for what happened? They would have died so let’s just kill them ourselves? There had to be another way!”

For better context for these lines, please check out the Character Description and Illustration Packet in the reference section, which contains the comic pages for these lines as well as other characters and upcoming CoCreates.


The selected voice performer for this Co/Create will conduct a recording session to record the 160 lines written for Kian in Children of Eldair in the first 14 chapters (see the Children of Eldair Webtoon for reference).

As additional chapters are produced, the chosen actor will work with the Children of Eldair creator to set up a mutually agreed upon recording schedule and scope of work and budget to record future chapters of the story.



Submit your audition for this role.

Review & Selection

The creator(s) will evaluate all submissions and select the winner.

Feedback & Finalization

The winning actor will work with the creator(s) to record lines as outlined in the Submission Requirements.

Story Integration

Recorded lines will be incorporated into the story.


The actor will be appropriately credited and recognized for their contributions.
