Format: Character Design

Collaborate with the creative team of Midnight Burger to develop a visual representation of Gloria, the newest, skeptical addition to the diner staff.

Co/Create Details
Submissions Closed

Gloria Character Design

Co/Create Details


Gloria is a resilient taquera from Phoenix whose culinary dreams were dashed when the pandemic forced her beloved restaurant to close. Now set adrift in life, she finds herself at Midnight Burger—a seemingly ordinary diner that turns out to possess the power to span dimensions.

Initially skeptical at what she’s uncovered, Gloria’s interest is piqued and she choses to stick around as the spectacular details of the diner’s powers begin to unfold through her vantage point.


For this Co/Create, you can simply submit your portfolio with a written explanation of the character design you hope to create for the story.

Alternatively, you may also submit any visual content that conveys your vision for the character, including but not limited to:

  • Sketches
  • Moodboards
  • Digital 3D Models
  • Character turnarounds

*This Co/Create is catered to visual artists of all levels and is designed to take less than an hour of your time to complete a submission.


The selected visual artist for this Co/Create will create character sheet for Gloria with several digital renderings of how she will appear in Midnight Burger.



Interested artists should submit their Gloria character design in a visual format of their choosing.

Review & Selection

The creative team of Midnight Burger evaluate all submissions based on the factors outlined in the submission guidelines, ultimately selecting the winning artist.

Feedback & Finalization

The winning artist will work with the creative team to revise their submission and turn it into a fully fleshed out design for the character of Gloria.

Co/Create Expansion

Once finalized, the character design will be used as a prompt for additional Co/Create opportunities for artists to create panels incorporating the character design into their work.


The artist will be appropriately credited and recognized for their design of Gloria.
