Comic Panels
The Disco Ball

Collaborate with us by creating comic panels for the "Flash" scene in your own style of choice and adding a new visual layer to the heart-wrenching scene!

Co/Create Details

for Flash Aftermath Artwork


In the intense finale of Chapter 1 of THE DISCO BALL, a sudden and inexplicable flash leaves the crew of the ISS in a state of shock and turmoil. This cataclysmic event extinguishes all visible life on Earth and wreaks havoc on the ISS's systems.

The atmosphere is tense, the stakes are high, and the uncertainty of the crew's future, and life on Earth as we know it, looms large.


You can submit any piece of visual or written content that conveys your vision for the comic panels, including but not limited to:

  • Fully realized comic panel illustrations
  • Sketches or preliminary drawings
  • Written descriptions outlining your creative vision
  • Concept art or mood boards that convey the style and theme
  • Anything else that conveys the visual tone of your concept

Feel free to also add any relevant portfolio content, if applicable.

This Co/Create is catered to artists of all levels and is designed to take less than an hour of your time to complete a submission.

Artists shelby and sandy are hard at work building out the visual universe for the core narrative of THE DISCO BALL, but we are searching for two artists who can reimagine a new aesthetic world and style that represents this particular sequence of events (the crew’s desperate attempt for survival).


The winning artist will work with our creative team to craft a series of panels to depict the flash aftermath scene, to live in the story consumption experience in a similar manner to the Marcus Rhoder Backstory. This will take the form of a series of 20-30 fully-realized comic panels rendered in the same visual style as proposed in the artist’s Co/Create submission.



Interested artists should submit their flash aftermath panels in the format of their choosing.

Review & Selection

Our creative team will evaluate all submissions based on the factors outlined in the submission guidelines, selecting the winning writer and a short list of runner ups who will receive Profit Points for their work.

Feedback & Finalization

The winning writer will work with the creative team to make any necessary revisions to their submission and ensure it is rendered in the correct technical specs necessary for THE DISCO BALL experience.

Story Integration

Once finalized, the panels will be integrated into the core narrative of THE DISCO BALL.


Artist will be appropriately credited and recognized for their contributions.
