Format: 3D Environment Design

Collaborate with the creators of Midnight Burger to design the interior of the diner, which functions as a central character in its own right within the story.

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Co/Create: Diner 3D Environment Design
Creator Statement
What's a Diner without a menu?
Content image

This is just a rough sketch of an idea I had for the menu that I wanted to show you guys, I'm still learning 3D modelling so I don't think I could do better than the submission done by  Caoimhe; I do think Ava's booth could be closer to the front, but I like that the deep freeze is by the back door in the kitchen so when Vladimir walked through he likely would have had to walk right behind Leif! 

This probably isn't the best spot to be saying this, but I just want to thank you guys for this show and the amount of effort you put into it, I plan to send a longer appreciation letter in a few weeks when I have time. 

And to my fellow fans, I'm not great at online communication, but it's nice to know you're out there. <3
