Collaborate with the creators of The Very Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen (VWT) to develop the visual style for the Hong Kong 1997 segment of the story.

1997 Hong Kong Story Artist

Co/Create Details


Hong Kong, 1997. The handover of the valuable port city from Great Britain to China is looming. In this setting, Raul Pablo Arteaga, a business consultant who’s unmoored and depressed, receives letters from Sara Cloutier, the author of his favorite book— who’s been dead for thirty years. Your vision will capture the contrast between the opulent skyscrapers and the traditional markets, the bustling streets, and the quiet moments in shadowy alleys where our story’s complex plots unfold.


You can submit any piece of visual content that conveys your vision for Hong Kong 1997, including but not limited to:

  • Fully realized comic panel illustrations, altered photographs or video, and collage
  • Sketches or preliminary drawings of the environment and characters
  • Concept art or mood boards that convey the style and theme of Hong Kong during the handover

Design Notes:

While we’re open to seeing the characters, we want to explore using hyper-real images and video loops of the settings as a background to this groundbreaking audio drama.

*This Co/Create is catered to artists of all levels and is designed to take less than an hour of your time to complete a submission.


The selected artist for this Co/Create will create a series of environmental backgrounds that can be lightly animated to bring the Hong Kong 1997 section of this story to life.



Submit your visual sample for this role.

Review & Selection

The creator(s) will evaluate all submissions and select the winner.

Feedback & Finalization

The winning artist will work with the creator(s) to create a series of comic panels as outlined in the Submission Requirements.

Story Integration

Comic Panels will be incorporated into the story.


The artist will be appropriately credited and recognized for their contributions.
