Collaborate with the Devil May Care team to voice the character of the Father.

Co/Create Details
Submissions Closed

The Father Voice Performance

Co/Create Details


A father who considers himself to be generally even-handed. He has a hard time reconciling his modern-day cool dad approach with his closeted helicopter parenting. For this reason, he is experiencing a miniature crisis over whether to spy on his teenage daughter’s private life. While he tries to keep in step with the younger generation - or perhaps because of it - he’s every bit as embarrassing as the next parent.


Character Notes:

Male, 40s+

Performance Notes:

A father who considers himself to be generally even-handed. He has a hard time reconciling his modern-day cool dad approach with his closeted helicopter parenting. For this reason, he is experiencing a miniature crisis over whether to spy on his teenage daughter’s private life. While he tries to keep in step with the younger generation - or perhaps because of it - he’s every bit as embarrassing as the next parent.

Ideally would be played by someone who can perform with a voice that registers in the 40s-50s age range.

Audition Reading:

"I’ll do it.

No I won’t.

Why am I so indecisive today?

On my way.

You left this on the bench, sunshine.

(Laughing) I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted."


The selected voice performer for this Co/Create will conduct a less than one-hour recording session to record all of the lines currently written for the Father in Devil May Care.

As additional chapters are produced, the chosen actor will work with the creator of Devil May Care to set up a mutually agreed upon recording schedule and scope of work and budget to record future chapters of the story.



Submit your audition for this role.

Review & Selection

The creator(s) will evaluate all submissions and select the winner.

Feedback & Finalization

The winning actor will work with the creator(s) to record lines as outlined in the Submission Requirements.

Story Integration

Recorded lines will be incorporated into the story.


The actor will be appropriately credited and recognized for their contributions.
