Format: Voice Performance

Collaborate with the creative team of After Honour to voice the character of Mavi, the strong-willed and compassionate alpha of the Clay Mountains Lupine Territory.

Mavi Voice Performance

Co/Create Details


Mavi is the alpha of the Clay Mountains Lupine Territory, Red’s beloved mate and mother to their four cubs. Mavi is strong-willed and compassionate, though very easy to anger. Her wise sense of judgment has gotten her far in a life filled with strife. She is one of those responsible for bringing an end to the Great Wars that lasted generations.


Character Notes:

Female presenting, 30s, BIPOC, deep smooth voice, American accent. Strong willed, sarcastic, intelligent, caring.

Performance Notes:

Performer can seamlessly switch between calm and warm to icy bitterness as Mavi takes on her stern and somewhat terrifying tone despite her compassionate and motherly nature. Mavi is wary of many threats surrounding her family, she is devoted to protecting them all.

Audition Reading:

“Hm, don’t think that compliments will get you out of this! But I suppose tonight is a celebration of peace...”

“Red! You told me the guests wouldn’t be arriving until dusk! Did you even tell everyone what time to arrive at? Do they know they’re not supposed to bring their entire clan?”

“I have not one shred of trust in my body for those heathens!”


The selected voice performer for this Co/Create will conduct a 30-minute recording session to record all of the lines currently written for Red in After Honour (see the original web comic for reference).



Submit your audition for this role.

Review & Selection

The creator(s) will evaluate all submissions and select the winner.

Feedback & Finalization

The winning actor will work with the creator(s) to record lines as outlined in the Submission Requirements.

Story Integration

Recorded lines will be incorporated into the story.


The actor will be appropriately credited and recognized for their contributions.
