Collaborate with us to bring Marcus Rhoder’s love interest to life by voicing the part of Jackie, Marcus’ college sweetheart, who will provide roughly 3-5 lines of dialogue for the role.

Co/Create Details
Submissions Closed

Marcus Rhoder Backstory Voice Performance ("Jackie")

Co/Create Details


We are seeking an actor to bring brevity to the role of Jackie, fostering seamless and natural chemistry with the pre-recorded performance of Lionel Boyce, the voice of Marcus.

  • "Marcus Rhoder's Backstory" by Michael Lewen


Each submission should include an English-language audition reading of the following sample dialogue:

“I believe if there's any kind of God it wouldn't be in any of us, not you or me but just this little space in between. If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know, it's almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt.”

Submission should be delivered as an mp3 file.


One take from the original submission will be incorporated as a piece of dialogue for the charater of Jackie in the final published version of Marcus Rhoder's backstory in Chapter 1 of THE DISCO BALL.



Interested voice actors should submit a recording of their performance of the sample dialogue in the brief, and in accordance to the submission guidelines. A link to a voice acting reel or recent performance is welcome, but 100% not required.

Review & Selection

Our creative team will review all submissions, considering overall quality of read and alignment with the creative considerations. The actor whose audition best meets the criteria will be contacted and provided with feedback on their submission. This may involve recording a second practice read of the actual lines to be included in the story, and any follow-up discussions on refining aspects of read (delivery, tone, intonation, etc.) to ensure the recording aligns with the vision of the character.

Feedback & Finalization

Actor will work closely with the creative team to finalize and incorporate notes into final reading, which may include attending a professional studio to record the final lines for story integration (based on your location).

Story Integration

Once finalized, the approved recording will be integrated into the narrative where appropriate.


Voice actor will be appropriately credited and recognized for their contributions.
