Collaborate with the creator of Children of Eldair to voice the character of Hallren, a principled yet prickly noble caught in the whirlwind of family loyalty and celestial mysteries.

Co/Create Details
Submissions Closed

Hallren Voice Performance

Co/Create Details


Hallren Yuillya is the fourth son of the Yuillya family, rulers of South Amara. He’s been blessed with earth magic and has the pride of a prince. Hallren starts his journey off as a skeptical, angry, prideful snob with little respect for others. But he swiftly gets a heavy serving a humble pie during the horrific events of the Razing. Burdened by his responsibilities and choices as a prince, he develops into a caring, thoughtful, leader. Hallren has the most dynamic character arc of all the main characters, going from a total jerk, haunted by his decisions, tortured, broken, to caring, responsible, and self sacrificing.


Character Notes:

Male, 23 years old, baritone or bass. American Accent

Performance Notes:

The voice should be clear, commanding, and able to express subtle shifts from skepticism to vulnerability.

Audition Reading:

Audition packet page 20:

"Oh, it's you-sorry, I didn't recognize you with your face dry… Remind me, are you always crying because you're sad? Or because you're so overwhelmed by your deific existence you can't hold it in?"

Audition packet page 21: (Conversation with Indri)

“I guess it doesn’t really matter. He’s gone now…

“Yes, now I’m stuck with a girl who can’t even braid her own hair…

“Yes, cause that’s really useful…

“A yes, such a dignified response my holy angel.”

Audition packet page 22: (Conversation with Kian.)

“Well… You helped change the world today.

“They would have died anyways…

“Then please, tell me what that other way was, Kian!”

For better context for these lines, please check out the Character Description and Illustration Packet in the reference section, which contains the comic pages for these lines as well as other characters and upcoming CoCreates.


The selected voice performer for this Co/Create will conduct a recording session to record the 90 lines written for Hallren in the first 14 chapters of Children of Eldair (see the Children of Eldair Webtoon for reference).

As additional chapters are produced, the chosen actor will work with the Children of Eldair creator to set up a mutually agreed upon recording schedule and scope of work and budget to record future chapters of the story.



Submit your audition for this role.

Review & Selection

The creator(s) will evaluate all submissions and select the winner.

Feedback & Finalization

The winning actor will work with the creator(s) to record lines as outlined in the Submission Requirements.

Story Integration

Recorded lines will be incorporated into the story.


The actor will be appropriately credited and recognized for their contributions.
