Collaborate with us by pitching your own original idea for a new Co/Create opportunity and tell us how you'd like to see THE DISCO BALL universe expand!
Marcus is Missing
Emergency Twitter/X space hosted by “Conspiracy Influencer” Arthur “Art” Farkle discussing fan theories about what has happened to Marcus Rhoder.
We know that Marcus went to space and continued his highly popular YouTube educational series from the ISS before he vanished. Marcus is now missing. Where is he and how can we find him?
The Twitter space would be virtual i.e. scripted and voiced within The Disco Ball. It would not be a live twitter space (but it could be great if we could also pull that off).
The community could write their wackiest craziest conspiracy theory as to what happened to Marcus. Community voice actors could voice the scripted theories. Art and another “expert” could discuss the theories before moving to the next. We probably need 3 theories that can be discussed and speculated upon.
At the end we could have the International Director of DBRIS come on stage and propose Disco Ball Theory. Art could dismiss the IDDBRIS as a crank or get into a deeper discussion about the WOW! Signal, Mt Shasta and other parts of the activation. They would finish with Art asking “So how do we find these reflections?” IDDBRIS “that is our challenge, we know the signals come in dreams, we need to know how to travel to other reflections.” Art would then enlist the audience’s help via the discord.
Art Farkle
This is how I see Art.
He has lost his marbles but is still articulate and can entertain an audience. He is jovial rather than overtly serious. He listens deeply and extends upon theories (similar to an improv extension). Everything is possible in his world.
He probably has an engineering degree or similar so can base his wacky ideas in enough reality that people will see them as credible.
Art has a catch cry that he uses whenever he hears a new theory e.g. “Now we’re talking!”. Something that is short, recognisable and able to be made into a twitter hashtag easily.
I suggest setting up a Twitter account (TheArtFarkle is available) and start him off by tweeting some conspiracy theories and try to build an initial following. That account can be used to promote or spread some of the crazier theories. It should be a blue tick account (as he fits the mold of a typical blue tick on Twitter).
Theory writers 3 crazy theories
Art/IDDBRIS discussion scripted discussion between Art and the ID-DBRIS
Voice actors 3 for the theories, one for Art and one for the panelist
Artist background 1 co-create for several panels to illustrate the theories, background would be consistent with the rest of The Disco Ball style
International Director DBRIS would be played by whoever ends up voicing that role.
Total screen time is probably about 20 mins with about half dedicated to the discussion of Disco Ball theory.