Format: Musical Score

Collaborate with the creators of The Arrival to compose the thematic score that will underscore the journey of Allister Adams and his family as they navigate the dangers of a superstorm disguised as an impending alien arrival.

Musical Scoring

Co/Create Details


In The Arrival, what seems to be a catastrophic superstorm threatens the unsuspecting citizens of Cumberland Falls. Allister believes the storm is the danger they face, as he accompanies his father to Andromeda Power, for what he believes is a routine night of work. Patrick Adams, a genius engineer and scientist, knows the truth. He’s been preparing for years for the arrival of an alien energy from another galaxy. He goes against the orders of The Andromeda Project to safely land the alien craft, risking everything to avoid a regional catastrophe. But when the measures he put in place fail, said catastrophe ensues, sending Patrick and his son, Allister, on the run in hopes of survival.


For this Co/Create, you can simply submit your portfolio with a written explanation of the theme music you hope to create for the story.

Alternatively, you may also submit content that conveys your vision for the theme song, including but not limited to:

  • Full-length demos of the main theme song.
  • Short audio clips that capture the mood of the theme
  • Written explanations outlining your vision for the theme and plan for executing on your vision

Feel free to also add any relevant portfolio content, if applicable.

Composition Notes:

The score should reflect the urgency, tension, and emotional depth of the Adams’ desperate journey, as well as the looming threat of a supernatural catastrophe fueled by a fiery energy pulse and the complex dynamics within their family.


The selected musician for this Co/Create will create a series of musical themes to run throughout the entirety of The Arrival as currently written (see the The Arrival comic for reference). The musician will collaborate with the creator of The Arrival to determine the number and nature of scores to be created for the series.



Submit your audio sample for this role.

Review & Selection

The creator(s) will evaluate all submissions and select the winner.

Feedback & Finalization

The winning musician will work with the creator(s) to create a musical score for the story as outlined in the Submission Requirements.

Story Integration

Musical Score will be incorporated into the story.


The musician will be appropriately credited and recognized for their contributions.
