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The "Storyline" from StoryCo - 002

Cover image for The "Storyline" from StoryCo - 002

Welcome to the second edition of "the Storyline" from StoryCo!

In this installment, we've got news, updates, and a carefully-curated collection of storytelling content from across the digital universe. But wait: there's more…

We're also thrilled to present an exclusive Q & A with our very own Story DAO member, Lee Sung Jin!

Lee with his BEEF co-stars Steven Yeun and Ali Wong

Lee’s been making waves recently in the Hollywood trades - his new show BEEF premieres on Netflix today, and last week he was announced as scribe for Marvel Studios' upcoming film, THUNDERBOLTS. We're incredibly proud of Lee’s accomplishments and grateful for his time in answering a few questions for the StoryCo community.

Hope you enjoy...

And if you do, throw us a follow on Twitter for more storytelling content!

StoryCo Community Highlights

An Interview with Lee Sung Jin!

Lee’s recent success is a result of years of "grinding" in the industry. Lee is a veteran TV writer, having been a part of the writers' room for numerous popular shows including DaveSilicon Valley2 Broke Girls, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He also served as EP for most of these critically acclaimed projects, and has been recognized with an Emmy and two WGA Award nominations.

In other words, his first effort as Creator and Showrunner of his own series is long overdue.

We are endlessly inspired and honored to have a creative visionary like Lee in the Story DAO community. We hope you enjoy our interview with him, in which he talks about his experiences navigating the film and TV industry, path as a storyteller and Hollywood writer, and creative process.


SC: So, Lee-BEEF is the first series you are the Creator and Showrunner for, correct? How are you feeling heading into the premiere, knowing that what is primarily your creative vision is getting released to the masses?

LSJ: Correct! My first time. Been getting a lot of advice from other creators to try and enjoy each moment because you only go through your first release once, so I'm trying to be present.

SC: Can you share any insight you've accrued from your experiences toiling in the modern-day film and TV studio system? What does it take to succeed as a writer/creative in the industry today, and how has your career journey shaped your approach to making BEEF from development through to production?

LSJ: I think like all things, it always comes down to the people. Whether you're working in the modern-day film/tv studio system or in web3, whether in a 9-to-5 or a passion project, if you surround yourself with people you respect and trust and figure out a good flow of communication with said people, then you're gonna be able to execute your vision well. But your vision could be bad haha, so making that good is also important.

SC: What was your early motivation for becoming a storyteller? How has that motivation shifted (if at all) as you've gotten older and become more accomplished?

LSJ: Early on, I was just copying and mimicking what I thought I was supposed to be like, not only as a writer but also as a human being. Just looking around and trying to fit in. The older I get, the more I've grown comfortable in my own skin, and my writing has become more in line with my true voice. I think. In five years, I'll probably look back on me now and cringe.

SC: How do you approach building a story world and characters that feel immersive + believable, and what techniques do you use to ensure that the varied story elements are consistent and coherent?

LSJ: If I could figure this out, I'd trademark a method and sell it! Writing is hard. There's no right or wrong way. Every time is a little different. I just try to write what feels honest and true to me, and I focus on character. The rest is quite elusive!

SC: Can you discuss the challenges and rewards of collaborating with other writers, directors, and producers in the TV industry specifically? With this first experience as showrunner, how did you ensure that each person's voice was heard and valued while still maintaining your own creative vision?

LSJ: I think the challenges and rewards are very similar to that of any team in any field. There are always egos, insecurities, misunderstandings, mistakes. I'm repeating myself, but I think that's why I think it comes down to the people you surround yourself with. You can try to make a super-team in the NBA, but it won't guarantee a championship. You gotta find the squad you meld with the best. The process is hard enough as it is, it's easier to minimize interpersonal conflict when you find the right collaborators. One might ask then, "how do you find the right ones?" Not sure! I wish someone could tell me the answer. It's a lot of trial and error. But once you find the squad, hold onto them.

Caroline Shaul Hired as StoryCo’s Chief of Staff!

We're pleased to announce that Caroline Shaul (@Leslie_Knode on socials) is joining the StoryCo team as our new Chief of Staff! Caroline has been an active member of the StoryCo community for some time, serving as a moderator in our Discord and contributing her time and expertise to a number of our activations, events and community initiatives. Caroline's prior Web3 experience as Community Lead at Chain Vision, and her involvement with Together.XYZ and She-Fi, made her an excellent candidate for this important position.

As Chief of Staff, Caroline will work closely with our leadership team to shape our strategy and operations while continuing to cultivate community in the Discord and beyond. We're immensely proud to be able to bring someone from our own community onto our core team, and we can’t wait to see the lengths we’ll climb with Caroline aboard our ship full-time.

Welcome, Caroline!

THE DISCO BALL: Project Updates

THE DISCO BALL is Coming 🔜

THE DISCO BALL is coming soon…very soon…

Or is it already here?

As you scroll in the next few weeks, keep your eyes peeled for the enigmatic, spherical logo below in your feeds. It could indicate a prologued start to our tale 👀.

For more info on our first story and to get your hands on a Disco Ball StoryPass if you haven’t already, visit story.co/discoball.

Internal Happenings @StoryCo

ICYMI: We Reopened our Producer Token Applications!

Enough said...

Apply to join our exclusive community of some of the most high-powered crypto VCs, film directors and screenwriters, technologists, futurists and business leaders in the world…all bullish on the imprint technology will have on the future of entertainment and storytelling.

Let's create the next great entertainment IP!

Visit story.co/producers or check out our FAQs at Story.co/faq to learn more about our community.

To apply, visit https://story-co.typeform.com/to/kTTcpQcP.

This Week in Storytelling: Internet Content Roundup


Web3 🤝 Hollywood



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